Teaching Profile
Undergraduate training at the Medical Faculty in Bern PBL, Clinical skills trainings, communication trainings, interprofessional trainings, Peer-Teaching, eLearning.
Postgraduate training
Program leadership and teaching in the international Master of Medical Education (MME) of the University of Bern. Postgraduate teaching activities includes also the Master of Medical education in Germany, Harvard Macy Institute Program for Leading Innovation in Healthcare and Education at Harvard Medical School; invited workshops national and international; Faculty development, Clinical Teaching and Feedback trainings, Courses and trainings for exam authors, Communication trainings.
Completed MME-theses supervised by IML
Burkhard Adrian, Dr. med (2018).
Implementation und Evaluation einer neuen Methodik im strukturierten Selbststudium bei Studierenden am Berner Bildungszentrum Pflege; Thesis advisor: Dr. med. et MME Ulrich Woermann, Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen (IML)
Mancinetti. Marco, Dr. med (2018).
Cognitive load in internal medicine: What every clinical teacher should know about cognitive load theory; Thesis advisor: Dr. med. et MME Christoph Berendonk, Prof. Dr. Sissel Guttormsen (IML)
Completed Dissertations Human Medicine (Dr. med)
Rodriguez Diego und Rodriguez Laura (2018).
Hirnnerven – ein E-Learning Modul für das Selbststudium der Anatomie und der Klinik der 12 Hirnnerven
Supervised by: Dr. med. et MME Ulrich Woermann (IML), PD Dr. med. Gudrun Herrmann (Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern)
Nobs Simon (2018).
Erweiterung und Verbesserung des interaktiven MorphoMed-Histopathologiekurses durch Annotationen, Belgeittexte und Verlinkung von Bildern makroskopischer Präparate
Supervised by: Dr. med. et MME Ulrich Woermann (IML), Prof. Dr. med. R. Langer & Dr. med. H. Dawson, Institute of Pathology, University of Bern
Studer Fabian Timotheus (2018).
E-Learning «Wundversorgung»
Supervised by: Dr. med. et MME Ulrich Woermann (IML), Prof. Dr. M. A: Constantinescu & Dr. R. Olariu, University Clinic for Plastic and Hand Surgery, Bern University Hospital
Medical-Education PhD’s projects successfully finished
February: Lörwald Andrea (2018).
“Mini-CEX and DOPS: educational impact and influencing factors”. Thesis advisor Prof. Dr. Dr. med et MME Sören Huwendiek; Co-advisor Prof. Dr. med. et MME Robert Greif, FERC
March: Lahner Felicitas (2018).
“Influence of different schoring algorithms for multiple true-false items on the measurements procicion of multiple-choice exams”. Thesis advisor Prof. Dr. Dr. med. et MME Sören Huwendiek (IML); Co-advisor Prof. Dr. med. et MME Martin Fischer (Institut für Didaktik und Ausbildungsforschung in der Medizin, Klinikum der Universität München)
May: Schmitz Felix (2018).
“Fostering communication skills in undergraduate health profession students”. Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen (IML), Co-advisor Prof. Dr. Jörg Hupfeld-Heinemann (University of Bern, Institute of Psychology, Department of Social Psychology and Social Neuroscience)
Completed Master-theses
Tschopp Kathrin Barbara (2018).
"Entwicklung eines E-Learning Moduls als Vorbereitung auf den Hirnkurs im 2. Studienjahr", Supervised by: Dr. med. et MME Ulrich Woermann (IML), PD Dr. med. Gudrun Herrmann (Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern)