In the framework of this PhD Thesis, we aim to find out what evidence there is regarding the effect of Mini-CEX and DOPS on the learning of postgraduate medical trainees, and which factors influence this effect.


This PhD Thesis aims at three publications:

  1. A systematic review regarding the effectiveness of Mini-CEX and DOPS;
  2. A qualitative synthesis regarding the factors which influence the effectiveness of these instruments;
  3. A focus group study on how the learning process of postgraduate medical trainees can be optimally supported through Mini-CEX and DOPS.



Andrea Lörwald (PhD student)
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. et MME Sören Huwendiek (thesis supervisor)
and further employees of the IML.

Project information

Running time: 09/2014 – 02/2018

The thesis has been successfully defended in February.


Dr. phil. Andrea Carolin Lörwald Scientific collaborator

+41 31 631 62 27
andrea.loerwald (at)