SAMW Award for an interprofessional education project for the third year in a row (2016, 2017, 2018)

SAMW Award for interprofessional teaching 2018, the third year in a row: K. Feller (Oberärztin*), L. Remund (Psychologin*), S. Stocker (Diabetesfachberaterin*) and M. Müller (Ernährungsberaterin*), *Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, University Hospital of Bern (Inselspital), Ch. Berendonk (IML, AAE, expert clinical assessment). Project title: “Interprofessionelle Arbeitsplatz-basierte Assessments in der Diabetologie am Universitätsspital Bern”. (Interprofessional work-place-based-assessment at the Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital.

3 Medical-Education PhD Projects successfully finished

February: Andrea Lörwald, “Mini-CEX and DOPS: educational impact and influencing factors”. Thesis advisor Prof. Dr. Dr. med et MME  Sören Huwendiek; Co-advisor Prof. Dr. med. et MME Robert Greif, FERC

March: Felicitas Lahner “Influence of different scoring algorithms for multiple true-false items on the measurements precision of multiple-choice exams”. Thesis advisor Prof. Dr. Dr. med et MME Sören Huwendiek; Co-advisor Prof. Dr. med. et MME Martin R. Fischer

May: Felix Schmitz “Fostering communication skills in undergraduate health profession students”. Thesis advisor Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen; Co-advisor Prof. Dr. Jörg Hupfeld-Heinemann

3 Remarkable Infrastructure Developments

IML eAssessment tools continuously disseminate
Further organisations decided to use the IML tools from the Examic®Assessment Suite for their written and practical exams. Also, the federal exam of human medicine will run on tablets with Examic Measured® in the future.

Opening of the UniZiegler as a new skills training centre for the Bern medical faculty at the old Zieglerspital in September 2018. Head: K. Schnabel, AUM, IML.

The IML moves into the new location at the Mittelstrasse 43 in Bern together with 9 other university institutions. We now have an excellent infrastructure for the staff, a new research-lab and video and sound-studio. Furthermore, facilities for managing the stock of tablet computers used for exams are at our disposition.

3 Competitive Grants

The recently established university founding body for innovative learning and teaching project is an important initiative and incentive for learning research.

University of Bern, “Förderung innovative Lehre (FIL)”, support of the projects:

  • „Improvement of the competency of medical students in the treatment of interdisciplinary Pediatric emergency patients via Blended Learning with Virtual Patients and practical work under supervision“, I. Steiner, Emergency Center for Children and Adolescents, University Hospital of Bern (Inselspital) & S. Huwendiek, AAE, IML
  • „Development of a Blended-Learning Curriculum for medical students regarding motivational interviewing in the psychiatry clerkship“, S. Pinilla & S. Huwendiek AAE, IML
  • “Basic Trauma Management (BTM) a mandatory course for 3rd year Medical Students: Curriculum-Revision.“ J. Berger-Estillita*, R. Greif* (*Department of Anesthesia, Insel University hospital), K. Schnabel, AUM, IML.

Annual Report 2018 of the Medical Faculty

Read online (IML p. 78)